The Evil Eye.
The evil eye is a Malediction that has such power that it is can disrupt, stir up troubles and bring about misfortune to the one that it's aimed at. The evil eye is one of the most potent curses to be used on this earth. It manifests into a Malediction that brings peril to the receiver, who shall feel your fury once this hex has been placed upon them.

Malediction Magic.
Don't overlook what most consider to be the most powerful form of spells and curses: a godlike assault, a powerful petition to cause great trouble and suffering. The Evil Eye or cursing is the best way to settle the score, get even with, right a wrong, deal out justice, and take care of problematic people. No physical harm will come to the target, just calamity.

Spell to Curse.
When cursed, the target can experience much misfortune. Loss of willpower and ambition, Bad luck, Bad breath, and body odor. Constant misunderstandings or arguments at work, with family, and in their relationships. Their car, appliances, or equipment keeps breaking down—all sorts of calamity, difficulty, and discomfort.

Powerful Curse spell
This curse can be used for many causes
- End bulling
- Remove Problems
- Right wrongs done to you
- Get someone who ghosted you
- Use it for your very own benefit!!
> Curse Master spell
Curses are magic spells placed upon people with intentions that can range from mere annoyance and psychological stress to physical illness and suffering, But we wont cast a curse to cause death.
Curses are often associated with black magic and are thus not to be taken lightly. Users claim These curses a high success rate.
We don't need black magic, as we are spiritual, so we call upon the unrelenting intercessor - The great spirit to release Karmic forces to get the job done
A successful curse can significantly affect your target’s life. Studies have shown that people who believe they're cursed, feel helpless against it.
> Curse someone
No Backfires, Backlashes, Bad Karma or ill effects because we cast a Free protection spell cast for you that ensures NO Backfires, Backlashes, Bounce backs, Bad Karma or ill effect.
We cast the curse with the blessing of universal karmic law. Which states that no harm shall come to you for seeking karmic justice for someone that wronged you.
Allowing Karmic justice to handle the issue is far better than you trying to harm or get even with another yourself.
Karmic justice says, that those who wronged you in whatever way, shall reap the ill seeds that were sown for whatever they did to you do, will come back to them threefold.
Karmic justice also ensures NO Backfires, Backlashes, Bounce backs, Bad Karma or ill effect will come upon you.
> Put a curse on someone
To move forward with the curse, we need you to sit down and carefully think about what you want to happen.
Having a clear sense of what you want to happen with the curse will make it more effective.
After carefully think about what you want to happen, place your order and email us exactly what you want to take place.
We are in no position to judge your situation; We don't know what you've been through, we just know you need help. And that's exactly what we do !
You can contact us at any time with any questions that you may have and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
We offer full ongoing support and advice via email for any purchase for as long as you require it.
> Curse Master spell
Supernatural agents will start doing things to sabotage their everyday life to yield the desired results.
Once the celestial entities get in your target’s head, they will feel like people are staring at them evilly and in fact outside forces, people around them (not you) will start saying unsettling things to them.
As this progresses, the target will begin to recognize and then be convinced that they are cursed, they will become worried.
Thus it empowers the entities which makes the curse much more effective.
If your target is someone who physically bullies you, you should avoid speaking to and/or staring at them, For your own safety - let the spirits take of this for you.
> Curse someone
At that point, unleashing the unrelenting intercessor - The great spirit and Karmic forces will give you the upper hand in your battle with any enemy, no matter how strong they might be.
I guarantee you won’t find an easier or more effective way to deal with people who give you a hard time.
If you are of average intelligence, and put your mind to it, there is no reason not to let us put a curse on someone for you
> put a curse on someone
We have no issues with Hexes or placing a curse on a deserving person. We believe everyone deserves a second chance however there are people in the world that choose to hurt other people. Or they work for a system that doesn’t consider the result or effect of their rules on the life of everyday people.
If one of these people was to cross our path and try to do us wrong,
we have no hesitation in doing what we can to prevent them from continuing on their mission of chaos.
You can choose to be a victim or you can choose to protect yourself. Release a higher power, and you will be the victor! Game on.
These are some of the symptoms the target can experience !
Outside insight.