Tarot Reading: State Of Relationship.

Tarot cards are used to assess the state of a relationship. Its an essential step to keep things on the right track. A Reading can ensure a long-term happy union.

Select Tarot Spread

State Of Relationship: Tarot Reading. 

Assess the state of your relationship.
Tarot Card Pulls.
Select spread / Reading size.

  1  ,  1+   , 3   ,  7   , 10

External link opens in new tab or windowAbout spreads/Card pulls

You gain the most insight from a reading by selecting larger spreads.

Keep your love strong.

Want to gain some crucial insight about your relationship and know where things stand right now? If so, this is the reading you need. With our enlightening tarot spreads on your side, you'll gain the knowledge necessary to keep your love connection healthy and robust.

It's critical to know and understand how things are, rather than just assuming all is well. By taking the temperature of your loving alliance, you can avoid a major meltdown, misunderstandings and other potential problems.

With a better understanding of your partner's commitment level,  passions, expectations, and intentions, you can stay one step ahead. And know what moves you may need to make to improve and grow and even better partnership.

Card Pulls:

  1   ,  1+   ,   3  ,   7   , 10

Don't make Assumptions.

Do you tend to overthink things? You may think doing that serves you well, and it may when watching "the wheel of fortune" or whatever your favorite show is. Yet, it can create problems when there was no need for concern regarding your love life.

Over the long haul, I've come to understand that overanalyzing your love life rather than gaining intuitive wisdom can do more harm than good.

You can't always make presumptions based on something your lover said, or an opinion expressed, or even a feeling they shared with you. They may not have even meant it they you think they did.

Trying to compare your partner's actions, expressions, thought processes, or gestures to your own, your exes, or anyone else is simply a waste of time. And your calculation may be way off base.

You may think everything is great when it's not. And or you may believe something is wrong when in fact, all is well. Don't assume, get a tarot reading.

Select a spread

Assessing your loving partnership.

It’s helpful to get the opinion from your friend on your new outfit. However, it’s not recommended when it comes to decoding your lover’s curious or mysterious behaviors. Having that discussion with a friend will only create baseless and empty theories.

Trying to determine the state of your relationship via your own analysis or that of a friend is a mistake. Please understand that your judgment may be somewhat distorted, slanted, jaded by your friend or driven by your own bias.

Suppose you listen to the whispers in your head or count on the advice of a friend. In that case, you’ll either end up assuming the worst-case scenario and or drive yourself crazy with paranoia. Avoid the madness, get a tarot reading.

Select A Reading.

or scroll down to view them

State Of Your Relationship.

A positive or negative indication along with the card description.

What is the current state of my relationship?

1 card session. $5

Assess My Relationship.

A positive or negative indication plus additional advice, insight or warnings.

What is the state of our relationship?

1 Card Plus - $10

3 cards/questions

Evaluate Your Relationship.

Get to the heart of the matter.

1. Advice, Guidance, and or Warnings.

2. Commitment level. Are they secretly drifting away?

3. What is the state of our relationship?

3 card session - $20

7 cards/questions

State of My Relationship - Tarot Reading.

Learn what you need to know and How to deal with it.

1. Anything hindering our happiness?

2. Any unknown problems to address?

3. Advice to ensure a healthy relationship?

4. Commitment level. Are they secretly drifting away?

5. Does my partner still physically desire me?

6. Is there anything I can do to strengthen our bond? 

7. What is the state of our relationship?

7 Card Session - $50

10 cards/questions

Check the temperature of your Relationship.

Examine all aspects of a situation, get a piece by piece breakdown.

1. Anything hindering our happiness?

2. Any unknown problems to address?

3. Advice to ensure a healthy relationship?

4. Commitment level. Are they secretly drifting away?

5. Does my partner still physically desire me?

6. Is there anything I can do to strengthen our bond? 

7. Are there any areas that need more attention?

8. Advice, Guidance, and or Warnings.

9. What is the state of our relationship?

10. Challenges or Opportunities ahead?

10 card session - $75

Tarot card readings.

If you want to know how your significant other is behaving in your relationship and how they really feel about you, use this relationship tarot spread to get the answers. This reading will show you all the critical aspects of your romantic bond.

And of course, this tarot reading will also reveal any hidden or concerning factors you need to be aware of regarding your partnership. Tarot is an excellent tool of guidance. It can help you discover both the highlights and the pitfalls, along with advice on how to keep your relationship alive and well.

Is your romantic alliance in good shape, its time to find out.

select tarot spread

If you want to ask your own questions about love, use the link below

Freestyle Tarot Reading    

Additional resources

External link opens in new tab or windowwiki/Tarot

External link opens in new tab or windowwiki/Major_Arcana

External link opens in new tab or windowwiki/Tarot_card_reading

External link opens in new tab or windowwiki/Welcome_to_the_world_of_Tarot